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Consider the following statements:

Historians use the word source to refer to the information found from manuscripts, inscriptions and archaeology.

Ramayana and Mahabharata are also important source of ancient Indian history.

Which of the above is / are correct?


With reference to stone age, which of the following is / are correct observations?

1. Paleolithic Age phase is supposed to have begun when the last ice age ended

2. Mesolithic age is supposed to have started when the agriculture began

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:


Who among the following teachers was visited by Siddhartha Gautama in the quest for knowledge before his enlightenment?

1)Alara Kalama

2)Udraka Ramaputra

3)Makkhali Gosala

4)Nigantha Nataputta

Indicate your answer from the codes given below:


With reference to Indian history, consider the following statements:

  1. The first Mongol invasion of India happened during the reign of Jalal-ud-din Khalji.
  2. During the reign of Ala-ud-din Khalji, one Mongol assault marched up to Delhi and besieged the city.
  3. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq temporarily lost portions of north-west of his kingdom to Mongols.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Which of the following was/were the provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935?

1. It proposed an All-India Federation.

2. It provided for the abolition of dyarchy at the provincial level.

3. It provided residuary powers to the Viceroy.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:

List-I                               List-II

A. Lord Clive          1. Subsidiary Alliance

B. Lord Wellesley  2. Indian Universities Act

C. Lord Dalhousie  3. Doctrine of Lapse

D. Lord Curzon       4. Dual Government in Bengal


Which of the following personalities were

associated with the Mahalwari System in India?

1. Holt Mackenzie

2. Robert Martins Bird

3. Francis Hastings

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Consider the following statements:

(1) It was during the reign of Iltumish that Chengiz Khan reached the Indus in pursuit of the fugitive Khwarezm prince. 

(2) It was during the reign of Muhammad bin Tughluq that Taimur occupied Multan and crossed the Indus. 

(3) It was during the reign of Deva Raya II of Vijayanagara Empire that Vasco da Gama reached the coast of Kerala.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Consider the following

statementsAssertion (A): Mohammad-binTughlaq's scheme of token currency was a failure.

Reason(R): Mohammad-binTughlaq had no proper control over

the issuance of coins.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:


Din-e-IIahi of Akbar was not a success, because


With reference to Indian history, which of the following statements is/are correct?

(1) The Nizamat of Arcot emerged out of Hyderabad state. 

(2) The Mysore Kingdom emerged out of the Vijayanagara empire. 

(3) Rohilkhand kingdom was formed out of the territories occupied by Ahmad Shah Durrani. 

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


Consider the following events in the history of India :

(1) Rise of Pratiharas under King Bhoja

(2) Establishment of Pallava power under Mahendravarman – I

(3) Establishment of Chola power by Parantaka – I

(4) Pala dynasty founded by Gopala

What is the correct chronological order of the above events, starting from the earliest time?


The correct chronological order of formation of the following organisations is

1. Bombay Association

2. Madras Mahajan Sabha

3. Indian Association

4. Indian League


With reference to Mughal India, what is/are the difference/differences between Jagirdar and Zamindar?

(1) Jagirdars were holders of land assignments in lieu of judicial and police duties, whereas Zamindars were holders of revenue rights without obligation to perform any duty other than revenue collection.

(2) Land assignments to Jagirdars were hereditary and revenue rights of Zamindars were not hereditary.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


With reference to the difference between the culture of Rigvedic Aryans and Indus Valley people, which of the following statements is/are correct?

1.Rigvedic Aryans used the coat of mail and helmet in warfare whereas the people of Indus Valley Civilization did not leave any evidnce of using them.

2. Rigvedic Aryans knew gold,silver and copper whereas Indus Valley people knew only copper and iron.

3. Rigvedic Aryans had domesticated the horse whereas there is no evidence of Indus Valley people having been aware of this animal.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:


With reference to Mughal India, what is/are the difference/differences between Jagirdar and Zamindar?

(1) Jagirdars were holders of land assignments in lieu of judicial and police duties, whereas Zamindars were holders of revenue rights without obligation to perform any duty other than revenue collection.

(2) Land assignments to Jagirdars were hereditary and revenue rights of Zamindars were not hereditary.

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


With reference to Indian history, consider the following texts:

1. Nettipakarana

2. Parishishtaparvan

3. Avadanashataka

4. Trishashtilakshana Mahapurana

Which of the above are Jain texts?


In the revenue administration of Delhi Sultanate, the in-charge of revenue collection was known as ‘Amil’.

(2) The Iqta system of Sultans of Delhi was an ancient indigenous institution.

(3) The office of ‘Mir Bakshi’ came into existence during the reign of Khalji Sultans of Delhi.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Which of the following Kingdoms were associated with the life of the Buddha?

1. Avanti

2. Gandhara

3. Kosala

4. Magadha

Select the correct answer using the code given below.


Assertion (A) : Mohammad –bin – Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad.

Reason (R): There were repeated Mongol invasions on Delhi during his reign.