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1. Consider the following statements about the Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS):

a. It offloads the excess stocks.

b. The scheme is not applicable to wheat.

c. It reduces the carrying cost of food grains.

How many of the statements given above are correct?


2. Sievierodonetsk is a major industrial centre known for its chemical plants and machine-building factories. It is located in:


3. Consider the following countries:

1. Israel

2. Egypt

3. Syria

4. Turkey

How many of the above countries are involved in the Yom Kippur War?


4. Which of the following nations is not a part of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation?


5. Consider the following statements about warming of the Arctic region:

1. Temperatures in the Arctic Circle have been rising more slowly than those in the rest of the planet.

2. Warming at the top of the Earth raises sea levels worldwide.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?


6. With reference to ethanol, consider the following statements:

1. Ethanol procurement/blending under the EBP programme increased from ESY 2013-14 to ESY 2021-22.

2. CO2 emissions during ethanol blending have increased in last 8 years.

3. Ethanol production capacity increased more than 10 times by 66 per cent in 8 years.

How many of the statements given above are correct?