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1.  Consider the following statements regarding Foreigners' Tribunals in India:

(a) They were established under the Foreigners Act, 1946, and operate nationwide.

(b) Their primary function is to determine the citizenship status of individuals suspected of being foreigners.

(c) The Citizenship Amendment Act,

2019, has rendered them redundant.

(d) They have been criticized for lack of due process and vulnerability to human rights violations.

Choose the correct answer:


2. Which of the following initiatives has been undertaken by the Indian government to address concerns regarding Foreigners' Tribunals?

(a) Setting up fast-track courts for quicker case resolution.

(b) Establishing independent review mechanisms for assessing tribunal decisions.

(c) Providing additional training to members of Foreigners' Tribunals on due process guidelines.

(d) Initiating dialogues with neighboring countries to facilitate repatriation processes.

Who has the power to deregister a political party?


3. What is the primary objective of the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991, in India?

  1. To regulate religious practices in places of worship
  2. To provide special provisions for protection and management of places of worship
  3. To facilitate interfaith dialogues
  4. To declare certain places as national heritage sites


4. The special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 was abrogated in 2019. What constitutional amendment facilitated this change?


5. What is the primary purpose of Article 131 of the Indian Constitution?

  1. To establish the Supreme Court
  2. To define the powers of the President
  3. To confer original jurisdiction on the Supreme Court in certain disputes
  4. To specify the powers of the Attorney General


6. The Sutlej River originates from which lake in Tibet?


7.  The UAPA was first enacted in India in which year?


8. The UAPA allows for the declaration of an organization as a "terrorist organization." Who has the authority to make such a declaration?